Superflex Superdecks- Card Games to Promote Superflexible Social Thinking

superflex superdecksSuperflex Superdecks- Card Games to Promote Superflexible Social Thinking by Social Thinking. 

(Learning Aid)

Superflex Superdecks are card games created to invoke your own superflexible thinking as you teach students to be more superflexible social thinkers. It’s all about superflexibility! The game pack is a companion teaching tool to the popular Superflex Curriculum, which helps parents and professionals teach children ages 8 – 11 about social thinking, social regulation, and social problem solving.

We’ve included a game to play with each deck (and more games are available online), but the product was really created to be super-uper flexible, with uses limited only by your imagination and your own superflexible thinking. For instance:

  • Create games such as “Go Fish” with the cards to use with your students
  • Use the Thinkables cards to say “good job” when an Unthinkable has been defeated
  • Use an Unthinkable card as a visual reminder for a student to use his/her strategies when the clever, sneaky character is invading a student’s brain
  • Pick an Unthinkable or Thinkable and have students use their Social Detective skills to play a version of “I Spy…” and look for that character showing up in themselves or others in the group, the classroom, or the school

The Superdecks are not an introduction to Superflex, and should only be used with students who are already familiar with the concept of being a Social Detective (introduced in the book, You Are a Social Detective), and are either working through or have completed the Superflex Curriculum. The games and activities provided prompt players to think about the powers of the characters, brainstorm which Unthinkable might appear in a situation, match strategies to characters, or Thinkables and Unthinkables, and use their social thinking in other superflexible ways.

Ages: 8-11

Players: 2+

If available, item can be checked out from the resource room at no cost.

Teaching Students with Classic Autism Functional Social Skills: A Program Based on Individualized Comprehensive Assessment & Evidence Based Practices

teaching students with classic autismTeaching Students with Classic Autism Functional Social Skills: A Program Based on Individualized Comprehensive Assessment & Evidence Based Practices by Susan J. Sheridan.

(XED Sheri 2013)

This highly practical book guides teachers and other practitioners in developing and implementing comprehensive social skills programs for individuals with classic autism. This program was developed specifically for students with classic features of autism, who tend to learn best by participating in activities they find interesting, engaging, and part of their daily lives. As a result, the social skills are embedded in motivating lessons in real-life social situations, involving such things as learning to do something nice for others, working on a classroom project, or waiting in a cafeteria line. To make this well-crafted functional social skills curriculum even more relevant, it includes a comprehensive, yet easy-to-use assessment tool tied to IEP development using evidence-based practices.

If available, item can be checked out from the resource room at no cost.


Is This Person My Friend and Friendship Tips


These visual supports are very useful for any individual needing extra help understanding the social skills related to making friends and keeping them as well. Individuals on the spectrum often have a difficult time determining social skills and cues that typically developing children learn more quickly.

Social Pragmatic Success for Asperger Syndrome

social-pragmatic successSocial Pragmatic Success for Asperger Syndrome by Timothy P. Kowalski.

XSS Kowal 2010

Not getting the results you want? Overwhelmed? Not sure where to begin? Confused? This book is an easy, practical tool designed to assess and document strengths and weaknesses in social-pragmatic communication across settings. The author provides a comprehensive tutorial in establishing treatment goals and techniques that address holistic, functional improvement is social-pragmatic communication skills. This tool is particularly useful in the school setting when meeting certain eligibility requirements for the students is a challenge, this tool can serve as the critical element needed to navigate the eligibility process.

If available, item can be checked out from the resource room at no cost.


No More Victims

no more victimsNo More Victims by Dr. Jed Baker 

(XAS Baker 2013)

The digital world offers a wonderful way to communicate and socialize with others. Yet, it is also rife with the dangers of being victimized emotionally, physically, and financially.

Trusting individuals with autism spectrum disorders, who are oftentimes socially isolated, are especially vulnerable to online predators. Finally, we have a resource to help prepare them for the minefields they may encounter on the Internet.
In this much-needed book, Dr Baker presents three main areas of concern for our kids:

  • Cyber bullying
  • Online sexual predators
  • Internet scams

Through Dr. Baker’s invaluable advice, kids will learn what to look out for, whom to avoid, and how to protect themselves when they’re communicating online.

If available, item can be checked out from the resource room at no cost.

The Social Skills Picture Book Teaching Play, Emotion, and Communication to Children with Autism

social skills picture bookThe Social Skills Picture Book Teaching Play, Emotion, and Communication to Children with Autism by Jed Baker.

XSS Baker 2001

This book uses photographs of students engaging in a variety of real-life social situations. The realistic format plays to the visual strengths of children with ASD to teach appropriate social behaviors. Color photographs illustrate the “right way” and “wrong way” to approach each situation and the positive/negative consequences of each. A facilitator (parent, teacher, etc.) is initially needed to explain each situation, and ask questions such as “What is happening in this picture?” Children role-play skills until confident enough to practice them in real-life interactions.

If available, item can be checked out from the resource room at no cost.

Spotlight on Social Skills Adolescent

spotlightonsocialskillsadolescentSpotlight on Social Skills Adolescent by Carol LoGuidice.

LoGui 2008

Increase success in social communication with instruction that systematically targets specific skills and uses a variety of learning methods.

The activities teach explicit aspects of social skills in everyday contexts with these learning strategies:

  • Explicit instruction
  • Modeling
  • Observation
  • Discussion
  • Role-Playing
  • Other guided practice
If available, item can be checked out from the resource room at no cost.

French Fries: The Forgotten Children of Autism

french friesFrench Fries: The Forgotten Children of Autism by Lilli Z. Mayerson

XBC Mayer 2009

One in 150 children are diagnosed with autism. This is a sibling’s story about disappointment and excitement, frustration and genuine love. A book to use as a tool to discuss their feelings and give comfort to siblings affected with autism.

If available, item can be checked out from the resource room at no cost.

The Asperkid’s Secret Book of Social Rules: The Handbook of Not-so-obvious Social Guidelines for Tweens and Teens With Asperger Syndrome

theasperkidsThe Asperkid’s Secret Book of Social Rules: The Handbook of Not-so-obvious Social Guidelines for Tweens and Teens With Asperger Syndrome by Jennifer Cooke O’Toole.

XSS O’Toole 2013

Being a teen or tween isn’t easy for anyone — but it’s especially tough for Asperkids. I know. I was one, I taught a whole bunch, and I am going to be raising three! That’s also why I know that Asperkdis deserve their very own guide to all of the hidden social rules that are awfully confusing to us, even if they seem obvious to everyone else. “The Asperkids’ (Secret) Rule Book of Social Rules.” This isn’t your momma’s Emily Post, and there is no “don’t do this” finger-wagging or patronizing “high and mighty preaching” here. Instead, the “Secret” Book gives Asperkids (aged 10-17) respectful, funny insights written “for Aspies by an Aspie.” Chock full of illustrations, logic and even a practice session or six (in comic strip style, thank you very much!), this is the handbook every adult Aspie wishes we’d had growing up, but never did.

If available, item can be checked out from the resource room at no cost.

Asperger Syndrome and Difficult Moments

aspergerssyndromeanddifficultmomentsAsperger Syndrome and Difficult Moments by Brenda Myles and Jack Southwick.

XBM Myles 2005

This expanded edition of the bestselling AAPC classic offers both parents and professionals tried-and-true solutions to minimize and circumvent the often frightening circumstances that surround the rage cycle not only for the child with Asperger Syndrome but others in the environment as well. In addition to almost doubling the section on interventions, this highly practical and user-friendly resource also focuses on the reactions of the adults around the child. This detailed book takes the reader through the stages of the rage cycle and emphasizes the importance of utilizing the teachable moments before and after a rage episode.

If available, item can be checked out from the resource room at no cost.

Fitting in and Having Fun Volume 4

fitting in and having funFitting in and Having Fun Volume 4

XSS Fitti 2013

This video modeling DVD follows a teen named Jon as he learns to navigate high school by becoming more aware of the unspoken rules his teachers and peers expect him to know. The DVD includes the TD Social Skills exclusive “What they’re thinking” insight windows to help students realize the impact of their behavior on others. Actual high school peer mentors who offer advice on how to solve teen problems are also featured. “Springboard to discussion” questions explore each topic further to help students to better understand and improve social exchanges. The social situations reviewed are: Getting Organized, Classroom Protocol, Sharing Conversations, Staying Calm to Problem-Solve, Showing Empathy, Manners Count, Dealing With Stress, Embarrassing Situations, and Falling Head Over Heels.

If available, item can be checked out from the resource room at no cost.

Thinking, Feeling, Behaving: An Emotional Education Curriculum for Children/Grades 1-6 Revised Edition & Thinking, Feeling, Behaving: An Emotional Education Curriculum for Adolescents/Grades 7-12

grades 1-6Thinking, Feeling, Behaving: An Emotional Education Curriculum for Children/Grades 1-6 Revised Edition

(XSS Verno 2006 1-6) 

Thinking, Feeling, Behaving: An Emotional Education Curriculum for Adolescents/Grades 7-12

(XSS Verno 2006 7-12)

both books by Ann Vernon.  

These books are essential resources for helping students learn to overcome irrational beliefs, negative feelings, and the negative consequences that may result. The books are packed with creative and easy-to-do activities. The activities include games, stories, role plays, writing, drawing, and brainstorming. Each activity is identified by grade level and categorized into one of five important topic areas: Self-Acceptance; Feelings; Beliefs and Behavior; Problem Solving and Decision Making; and Interpersonal Relationships. Thinking, Feeling, Behaving is an emotional education curriculum based on the principles of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. The books are designed to be used in classroom or small group therapeutic settings. 1-6 is 294 pages; 7-12 is 292 pages.

If available, item can be checked out from the resource room at no cost.

The Hidden Curriculum of Getting and Keeping a Job

hidden curriculumThe Hidden Curriculum of Getting and Keeping a Job by Brenda Smith Myles, PhD, Judy Endow MSW, and Malcolm Mayfield.  

(XSS Smith 2013)

A Guide for individuals with Autism Spectrum and Other Social-Cognitive Challenges. Pp. 99.

If available, item can be checked out from the resource room at no cost.

Social Rules for Kids-The Top 100 Social Rules Kids Need to Succeed

social rules for kidsSocial Rules for Kids-The Top 100 Social Rules Kids Need to Succeed by Susan Diamond M.A.

(XSS Diamo 2011)

Using simple, easy-to-follow rules covering topics such as body language, manners, feelings and more, this book aims to make students’ lives easier and more successful by outlining specific ways to interact with others on a daily basis.

If available, item can be checked out from the resource room at no cost.

Destination Friendship

destination friendshipDestination Friendship by Mary Benton.  

(XSS Bento 2012)

Destination Friendship provides easy-to-use, research-based strategies and activities that support the development of friendship skills in children with ASD within an active and fun learning environment.

If available, item can be checked out from the resource room at no cost.

Social Skills Activities for Secondary Students with Special Needs (Jossey-Bass Teacher)

social skills activities for secondarySocial Skills Activities for Secondary Students with Special Needs (Jossey-Bass Teacher) by Darlene Mannix.

(XSS Manni 2009)

This resource offers an exciting collection of 200 ready-to-use worksheets to help adolescents build the social skills they need to interact effectively with others and learn how to apply these skills to various real-life settings, situations, and problems.

If available, item can be checked out from the resource room at no cost.