New Diagnosis Information

Parents feel many different things when they first learn their child has autism.  You may be scared, upset, curious, confused, overwhelmed, or all of the above (or none of the above).  At TAP we think the best way we can support parents is by providing you with information, support, and connecting you with community resources so, take a breath, and know that you’re not alone.

We have some basic suggestions for what to do now that you’ve received an autism diagnosis (if you’re looking for information on how to get a diagnosis click here).

  1. Make an appointment for a new diagnosis training.  There’s a lot of great information to read online, but nothing can replace meeting with someone face-to-face.  This is a free service offered by the The Autism Program.
  2. Download the First 100 days from Autism Speaks.  This is a free, online book that has tons of information for when you first get diagnosed.
  3. Start learning more about autism.  The CDC, Autism Speaks, and Autism Now are great places to start getting information.  Of course, we’ve got some great information on our website too!
  4. Meet other parents and start getting support.  There are several area support groups but there are online parent and advocate groups too.
