Online Resource Room

The online resource room connects you to services available from the comfort of your own home.  In addition to browsing our library, check our list of favorites (all of which can be checked out from the resource room at no cost).  Our resource room (located at 904 West Nevada, Urbana, Illinois) can make visual supports free of charge.  We can make just about anything we (or you) can imagine, but we might have what you need right here on the web an then you can just print it out at home.  In the online resource room, we also have answers to common questions and research briefs that get updated on a regular basis.  We hope you find what you need either online or by visiting us in person.

There is actually a lot of great information about ASD online, but we know it can be overwhelming to try to find the websites that actually have what you are looking for.  Check out our list of awesome websites to help get you started.

And finally, don’t forget to check our current programs, information about area resources, and research participant opportunities while you’re on our site.

